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Norske Skog named no. 1 in Norway in CDP’s Nordic climate reporting

Norske Skog has been ranked the best Norwegian company in the Nordic region in terms of climate reporting and openness about the climate challenges facing the company.

Norske Skog was named number ten by the Carbon Disclosure Project's (CDP) 2010 Nordic report ranking companies based on their climate change strategy and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions. CDP, which has evaluated environmental data from 200 Nordic companies, represents 534 institutional investors worldwide managing USD 64 trillion in assets.

"The ranking is an important recognition of our efforts to demonstrate openness on climate change issues," says Georg Carlberg VP Environment in Norske Skog. "Good disclosure routines are important to ensure continued focus internally, and help enforce our commitment to further improvements." 

This is the third time that Norske Skog qualified for inclusion in the Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index, which documents the 20 Nordic exchange-listed companies that have the most professional and serious approach to corporate governance regarding the issue of carbon-dioxide reporting. Norske Skog received recognition from Ellen Hambro, the Managing Director of Climate and Pollution Agency in Norway.


Norske Skog ASA
PB 294 Skøyen
0213 Oslo

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Norske Skog ASA
Sjølyst plass 2
0278 Oslo