Lower basis weight with top runnability and superior printability.
NorSC Lite is the result of a 28 million EUR investment in state of the art equipment, following more than 10 years R&D. NorSC Lite combines print quality with sustainable production and environmental advantages for publishers and retailers. Lower basis weight reduces freight loads, emissions and costs, helping customers reach their environmental goals.
The new TMP plant supplies pulp to the paper machines with less energy- and chemical pulp consumption, resulting in an improved paper quality. The Norwegian state has, through its energy innovation agency Enova, supported the project due to the significant energy savings it provides. By adopting newest technology, Norske Skog has become a world leader in energy-efficient pulp production and a spearhead in efforts to create a greener industry in Norway. With the new fibre preparation technology we are able to design new and advanced products, tailored to meet todays demand for lower environmental impact throughout the print value chain.
Norske Skog Saugbrugs has a great track record in the area of low basis weight SC paper. Our NorSC Air has been established in the market since 2007 and we have built on that experience when developing NorSC Lite.
NorSC Air is well established in the range from 38g/m2 to 42g/m2, it is known for its excellent runnability and consistent high quality printability on par with our NorSC G and NorSC H. NorSC Air has been very successful in the production of catalogues and magazines distributed by post.
NorSC Lite is a product that now brings together the know-how of NorSC Air and the printability of our NorSC G. NorSC Lite lets the customer reduce the basis weight while keeping a unique print quality. Lower basis weight can have a major influence on distribution costs and reduces Eco tax.
NorSC Lite is a product suited for magazines, inserts, catalogues, direct mail and door drop and it is produced in the basis weight range from 45 g/m2 to 52 g/m2. Our experience shows that it is giving the best results in rotogravure printing but it is also suited for Heat Set Offset printing.
“Both Magazines and Retail Publications have been moved from Norsc G 56 to Norsc Lite 52 and from Norsc G 52 to Norsc Lite 47,4 with excellent results. No changes in gravure and heatset press settings are necessary,” says Simon Papworth Norske Skog Saugbrugs TCS manager, adding; "Norsc Lite has an extra bonus, the paper appears whiter and cleaner, improving the print contrast,”
Norsc Lite is an excellent product for direct mail campaigns, due to its savings in weight. Below is what Norwegian Posten and Bring say about how DM increases sales (in norwegian).
Norske Skog Saugbrugs has 520 employees. The mill is located in South-East Norway and an annual production capacity of 530 000 tones of super calendared uncoated magazine paper.