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Skogn Norbright 65*

End use: Newspapers, direct mail, free-sheets, directories, supplements, inserts/flyers, magazines, books

The Norbright range offers higher brightness properties and an enhanced printed image compared to newsprint. These products are especially well suited to cold set web offset, although they can also be used for heat set.

The paper achieves its higher performance characteristics through the use of modern, twin wire paper machines and enhanced thermomechanical pulping processes.

Sub-brands: Norbright 65/68, Norbright Plus
Printing method: Cold set web offset
Finish: Matt
Producer: Skogn

* available on request

Basic properties ISO
Basis Weight (ISO 536)(g/m²)
Thickness (ISO 534)(µm)
Density (ISO 534)(kg/m3)
Bulk (ISO 534) (cm3/g)
Roughness (Bendtsen) (ISO 8791-2)(ml/min)
Brightness D65 (ISO 2470)(%)
L-value D65 (ISO 5631-2)(D65/10°)
a-value D65 (ISO 5631-2 )(D65/10°)
b-value D65 (ISO 5631-2)(D65/10°)
Opacity (ISO 2471)(%)


Norske Skog ASA
PB 294 Skøyen
0213 Oslo

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Norske Skog ASA
Sjølyst plass 2
0278 Oslo