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We create green value


Norske Skog has highly qualified and dedicated employees at all levels and in all units. Due to challenging developments in the paper industry, downsizing and restructuring have been an inevitable consequence of cost-cutting over recent years. However, Norske Skog employees have managed to maintain a high level of expertise, with improvements in certain areas. Our goal to develop an organisation with business-oriented, international and highly competent people still applies. Due to the group’s situation, employees are given challenging tasks and significant responsibilities. Structured on the job training and rewarding achievements provide excellent career development opportunities and the best results for the company. This ensures mutual
attractiveness for our employees and for Norske Skog as employer.

Norske Skog recognises the value of having a work force based on diversity, and any discrimination on the basis of gender, nationality, colour or ethnicity, religious or political beliefs, sexual orientation, physical disabilities or similar factors violate our obligations of equality and threaten the company’s interests and objectives. Our leaders have a special responsibility for developing and coaching their sub-ordinates and, through visible leadership, demonstrate what is expected from Norske Skog employees and leaders. Our employee representatives contribute in strategic and major decisions in accordance with our values of openness, honesty and cooperation.


Norske Skog ASA
PB 294 Skøyen
0213 Oslo

See more contact information


Norske Skog ASA
Sjølyst plass 2
0278 Oslo