Sustainability reporting
Norske Skog shall create value for people and society in a responsible way, while promoting a sustainable environment and principles of circular economy.
To be a profitable business is fundamental for creating jobs and value for society through our operations and products. Profit must be created in a sustainable and responsible way. Innovations and operational excellence will spur a long-term profitable business. We have a strong commitment to maintain a high-level governance practice combined with an operational safety focus for our employees.
Our operations must be based on sustainable sourcing, e.g. using certified wood and chips documented through the Chain of Custody and use of recycled paper. We must be resource and energy effective in all our operations. Environmental impacts from our supply chain and our mills must be minimized.
Our attitude and ability to be entrepreneurial, empower each other and behave consistently, define our results in changing and challenging markets. Through reliable, responsible and sustainable conduct, we will win the trust and confidence of our stakeholders, both within and outside of Norske Skog. We monitor activities in order to achieve sustainable products and processes throughout the entire value chain. We continuously strive to maintain our status as the most attractive industry partner for suppliers and customers. The corporate strategy consists of four elements and gives us a well-defined foundation for our work related to the prioritized SDGs:
- Improve and optimise publication paper cash flows
- Become a leading, independent producer of renewable packaging paper
- Diversify and innovate within bio-products
- Integrate vertically up- and downstream within the entire value chain
These strategic goals are communicated extensively throughout the organisation, and are well known to external, crucial stakeholders, especially the press and investors. The group has reviewed the business climate risks and opportunities and related these findings to define ambitions, target settings for the prioritized SDGs and relate these to the already determined strategic choices of the group.
These six sustainable development goals are most relevant to Norske Skog's existing business strategy:
- SDG 3: Good health and well-being
- SDG 4: Quality education
- SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation
- SDG 9: Industry innovation and infrastructure
- SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production
- SDG 13: Climate action
You may read our sustainability reports for the three last years:
Norske Skog's sustainability report for 2024
Norske Skog's sustainability report for 2023